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  3. WooCommerce Bitcoin / AltCoin Payment Gateway
  4. How to add discount on a specific coin?

How to add discount on a specific coin?

Hopefully you have already added coin to the payment gateway list, if not then you can take a look here how to enable a coin to the payment gateway

Now let’s take a look how does the discount works? Take a look in the following screenshot

If you take a look bottom of the page where does it says – offer settings. Now we will setup this section.

So, after fill up the above fields of this page, lets assume we have setup Bitcoin in the above fields and now we want to offer user discount if they pay via Bitcoin. So, to setup the discount

  1. Click the checkbox of ‘Offer Activate / Deactivate ‘ field
  2. From next field you can setup the discount amount as well as discount type. There is 2 types of discount. You can use flat amount or percentage of the cart total amount.
  3. From next field you can setup the offer validity.
  4. From the final and last field – you can show the offer message to client’s. If you check this option an offer message will show in the single product page after the product price. This offer message box is foldable!  Take a look in the following screenshot





Then finally hit the ‘Add Coin’ / ‘Update Coin’ button from the bottom section. That’s it. Your discount has been set and now user will enjoy the discount on the specific coin!


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